Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Hack Wifi Password for free !!!

WANT To Know your Neighbour next door's wifi password !!!

WATCH this below clip !!!!!!
Hope it was useful !!!!!

How to hack Facebook !!!!!

Tips & Tricks to hack Facebook profile of your friends !!!!!!

1. Create a website which looks some what important to many. Ex.

2. The above website created is a tool for us to extract the cookie data from the person who's account    be to be hacked.

3. This website link is sent to the person mail ID (who's account to be hacked). Note this is very important step because the person should click the link you have sent to them, So it has to be such a way and It's all up to you.

4. So by now you should have got the cookie file in your website :)

5. Finally place that cookie file on to your computer.( My computer/C: Drive/User/Cache/Cookies)

6. Now open your browser, which can open the saved pages. Hence you can now open and edit your  friends profile easy.

If you don't want to get tracked, create an Virtual Private Network first !!!!

Keep watching friends, look forward for  future updates !!!!!!